Side Chain Breaks the Ice With Their Latest Single ‘Equipoise Delirium’

<img src="Side Chain Breaks the Ice With Their Latest Single ‘Equipoise Delirium”>

Side Chain’s journey began in 2015 when Dustin Miller and Stephen Shatzer formed the band, later joined by John Kyzer, James Pennington, and Nathan Cameron, the rock band is making a powerful comeback with their latest track, “Equipoise Delirium,” after a five-years break. This sound is sure to tickle your nerves with its dark undertones and infectious radio-friendly vibe.

Their musical journey hasn’t been a smooth one, they’ve being through the highs and lows, marked by the tragic loss of their friend, John Kyzer, during the creation of “Subterfuge.” However, they persevered, with Mike Helmbeck stepping in to help complete the track and continue the band’s legacy.

Now, in 2024, Side Chain is back in full force, ready to rock the airwaves with their unique sound. In this exclusive interview, we sit down with Dustin, Stephen, and James, the creative minds behind Side Chain, to delve into their musical influences, creative process, and future plans.

From their humble beginnings to their musical evolution, Side Chain opens up about their inspirations, challenges, and aspirations. So, grab a seat and join us as we explore the world of Side Chain, where music is more than just a passion—it’s a way of life.


Watch Equipoise Delirium below

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What is your stage name?
Dustin: Don’t have one currently.
Stephen: I don’t have one.
James: Chip

Is there a story behind your stage name?
James: Years ago I met a man while I was at an airport in Ireland. We’ve remained friends to this day. His name is Chip, so I took it and it stuck.

Where do you find inspiration?
Dustin: Everyday life
Stephen: Hearing a song that moves me and inspires me to keep writing.
James: Daily Life

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What was the role of music in the early years of your life?
Dustin: Parents were always listening to music ever since I was young.
Stephen: I started playing hip-hop ever since I could write. Started writing lyrics and making beats on a keyboard. I didn’t really get into rock and metal until I was in my mid to late teens.
James: Both of my parents and older sister were Into music when I was growing up. I got the full spectrum.

Are you from a musical or artistic family?
Dustin: Musical
Stephen: Not really. Grew up in a religious household so wasn’t allowed to listen to a lot of music (except for Christian music and 80’s rap). I kind of found my own calling.
James: Both.

Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry?
Dustin: My parents
Stephen: It wasn’t until I heard the first Pantera album when I figured out where I really wanted to go musically.
James: I would say probably my mother the most.

How did you learn to sing/write/to play?
Dustin: Self taught and still learning
Stephen: Self taught mostly however I did take piano and violin lessons when I was young which also taught me music theory. As far as playing drums, I had such a passion for it that I practiced for hours a day for about a year until I started getting decent at it.
James: Self taught

What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform?
Dustin: My parents took me to a Cheap Trick show when I was 6
Stephen: The earliest I can remember is seeing Rob Zombie and Korn.
James: Grand Funk Railroad

How could you describe your music?
Dustin: Mostly Dark with a hint of Party animal
Stephen: I would say dark with some melodic elements
James: Melodic with dark subject matter.

Describe your creative process.
Dustin: Jamming along to other songs gets the juices flowing.
Stephen: Hearing a guitar line and evolving the production from a simple scratch track to a full production.
James: I’ll hear something, and if it clicks , and the chemistry is the lyrics almost kind of write themselves.

What is your main inspiration?
Dustin: My son
Stephen: In life, my wife and kids. In music, creating music that people enjoy.
James: I want to reach people on a very personal level.

<img src="Side Chain Breaks the Ice With Their Latest Single ‘Equipoise Delirium”>

What musician do you admire most and why?
Dustin: Buckethead. Very versatile and you can feel all the emotions in how he plays.Stephen: I don’t think I could pick just one. Sometimes it’s the entire band that contributes to the overall sound in my opinion, which is what I 

admire most. If I had to narrow it down I would say Dimebag Darrell, Vinnie Paul,

Matthew McDonough, Matt Greiner, and Danny Worsnop.

James: Oh man, so many! James Hetfield, Maynard James Keenan, Pete Loefller, Chino Moreno, to name a few. Theire music has all touched me in so many ways.

Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career?
Dustin: Yes
Stephen: Absolutely
James: Yes

Who do you see as your main competitor?
Dustin: I’m not big into competition.
Stephen: I don’t believe in being competitive when it comes to music, especially local music. I believe everyone should be helping each other instead. Although friendly competition amongst friends is always fun.
James: I’m always competing with myself daily.

What are your interests outside of music?
Dustin: Traveling, fishing, watching sports, hanging out with my son and family
Stephen: Firepit nights with the wife, hiking, being out in nature.
James: Writing, hiking, nature

If it wasn’t a music career, what would you be doing?
Dustin: Playing pro baseball
Stephen: I enjoy working on movies/film production
James: Book author

What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music?
Dustin: Sometimes you go through periods of writers block.
Stephen: Balancing time to work on music
James: Finding time to get into the studio

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If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be?
Dustin: Local radio stations should help local bands get their music out there and be more involved in the local music scene.
Stephen: An easier way to make your music heard.
James: Getting your music to more people.

Why did you choose this as the title of this project?
: It’s cool sounding lol
Stephen: James came up with it. The song is about loss and grief and I thought the name was fitting.
James: The theme of loss and grief played a big part in it.

What are your plans for the coming months?
Dustin: Write more songs
Stephen: We have a couple new songs already in the works.
James: My goal is always to do my very best to make the next song better than the last one.

Do you have any artistic collaboration plans
Dustin: At this current point in time, not at the moment
Stephen: Not planned, but it’s possible.
James: I’m always open to the possibility.

What message would you like to give to your fans?
Dustin: Thanks for digging the music!! We love you all!!!
Stephen: Thank you for the support!
James: Never give up, no matter how hard it gets, and always stay true to your self.

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